What Can Be Stored

Common sense and State law determines what may be stored. You alone control access to your storage unit. Therefore, never store live animals, perishables, liquids, explosives, flammable liquids, fuels of any kind, toxic materials, or other items that need a controlled environment. Remember not to fill fuel tanks on gasoline engines before storage.

Propane Bottles, other Compressed Gases (Acetylene, Oxygen, etc.), Ether, Carburetor Cleaner, Acetone, Mineral Spirits, Oil-Based Paints or Paint Thinners, Solvents, Acids, Batteries, Gasoline, Oil, Kerosene, Lamp Oil, Fertilizers, Gun Powder, Primers, Chemicals, or PERISHABLES. 

 Throw away anything that might rot or cause a fire.
Don't Risk It!

Packing your unit for Safety and Security
Do Not stack heavy or unstable items on top. 

 Store small(ish) expensive items (laptops, stereos, TV's, etc.) out of sight and if you do not require access to them, put larger items and other boxes in front of them.
Whenever moving or storing, be sure to make a list of all your items and take pictures of all expensive items. Include brand names, product features and serial numbers. Keep the list in a safe place like your home or business or email a copy to yourself. To prove ownership, keep proof of purchase documentation, like receipts.