Packing Tips

Be sure to use all the space. If you pack your unit efficiently and use all the horizontal
space, you will be pleasantly surprised how much will fit inside your unit.
Full House Storage is a convenient and inexpensive place to store your belongings. An efficiently
packed small unit will cost less than a poorly packed larger unit. If you use your unit more
frequently, a larger unit that is well organized with shelves and file boxes may be more convenient
and only cost slightly more.

Organizing Your Storage Unit

Be sure to use all the cubic space available, including the height

To maximize the cubic feet of your unit, store large pieces of sturdy furniture on end or on top each other. Put heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on top. Be sure to label all your boxes on top and on all four sides so they can be read without moving them. Leave a few inches of space between your items and the wall for better ventilation. Avoid potential condensation and dampness on cement floors by putting pallets on the floor where boxes or other paper items are stored. Be sure to leave a walkway so you can access the rear of your unit. Put things you are least likely to need in the unit first (in the back). Put frequently used items near the door for easy access.

Always securely latch and lock the door to your unit when leaving.

Packing for Safety and Security

Do Not stack heavy or unstable items on top.
Store small(ish) expensive items (laptops, stereos, TV's, etc.) out of sight and if you do not need frequent access to them, put larger items and other boxes in front of them.
Whenever moving or storing, be sure to make a list of all your items and take pictures of all expensive items. Include brand names, product features and serial numbers. Keep the list in a safe place like your home or business or email a copy to yourself. To prove ownership, keep proof of purchase documentation, like receipts.


If you own a home, your Homeowners’ Insurance may cover your property while it is in storage.
If you don’t, consider Renters’ Insurance to protect your belongings in a rented house or apartment.
Be sure your Renters’ Insurance covers your property while it is in storage.

RENTERS’ INSURANCE is available from
Indiana Farm Bureau
by calling (765) 649-0471